Energy Industry

Electricity and gas is essential to our lifestyle —it is connected to almost everything we do.

The difference between a retailer and the network

Electricity distributors and gas distributors are responsible for the quality and reliability of your energy supply.

Electricity distributors own and maintain the electricity poles and wires. Gas distributors own and maintain gas pipes in the street.

Lumo Energy is a 100% Australian owned energy retailer that provides hassle-free energy to small businesses and homes in Victoria and South Australia. When you receive a bill for the energy that you have used, that is from your retailer.

Industry Guidelines

Lumo Energy complies with the National Energy Retail Law and the Rules which are governed by the Australian Energy Regulator. We also comply with the Energy Retail Code of Practice issued by the Essential Services Commission.


We are required to place certain information on your bill, including information about greenhouse gas emissions. Electricity Industry Guideline No.13 is a guideline published by the Essential Services Commission detailing this requirement. For more information visit

If you want more information visit Essential Services Commission of Victoria

South Australia

For more information visit Australian Energy Regulator

South Australian Retailer Energy Productivity Scheme (REPS)

The Retailer Energy Productivity Scheme (REPS) is a South Australian government scheme providing incentives for households and businesses to save energy. The Retailer Energy Productivity Scheme (REPS) replaced the Retailer Energy Efficiency Scheme (REES).

The Retailer Energy Productivity Scheme gives access to low-cost energy efficiency products (such as light bulbs), through participating energy retailers.

You may also find the Home Energy Self Audit information on the SA Department of Energy’s website helpful. If you would like more information on how to reduce your electricity bills: click here.

For more information on the scheme please visit the South Australian government’s website.

Energy Industry Links

Essential Services Commission of Victoria

Australian Energy Regulator

Snowy Hydro Limited

South Australian Department of Human Services (DHS)

Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO)

Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC)

Department of Families, Fairness and Housing