The Victorian Government provides energy concessions to eligible concession card holders.
To be eligible you must hold one of the following concession cards:
An energy concession can be claimed where all of the following criteria are met:
The Federal Government is providing the Energy Bill Relief Fund to all Australian households and eligible small business electricity customers.
Residential customers will receive four credits of $75 (totalling $300 over the year).
Small business will receive four credits of $81.25 (totalling $325 over the year).
These credits will automatically appear on bills after 31 July 2024, 1 October 2024, 1 January 2025 and 1 April 2025. Find out more about eligibility and how payments will be made here.
The Annual Electricity concession entitles you to a 17.5% discount off your household electricity usage and service costs. The Annual Electricity concession is calculated after discounts and solar credits have been deducted from your energy bill and does not apply to the first $171.60 of your annual bills and this is calculated as a daily rate on each bill.
To receive your Annual Electricity concession you must provide us with your valid concession details. You can do this via MyAccount or by calling 1300 115 866.
The Winter Gas concession entitles you to a 17.5% discount off your gas usage and service costs between May 1st and October 31st every year. The Winter Gas concession is calculated after discounts are deducted and does not apply to the first $62.40 of the six-month winter period bills. The Winter Gas concession is calculated as a daily rate on each bill.
To receive your Winter Gas concession you must provide us with your valid concession details. You can do this via MyAccount or by calling 1300 115 866.
The Life Support concession provides a discount on electricity bills where a household member uses an eligible life support machine. The discount is equal to the cost of 1,880 kilowatt (470 kilowatt per quarter) hours of electricity used each year, calculated using a general domestic tariff. The Life Support concession is available all year round.
You may be eligible for Life Support concession if you have one of the listed approved machines:
Customers who have a life support machine or any other type of machine prescribed by a doctor for life support purposes, must contact us on 1300 115 866 to ensure life support details are recorded.
To be eligible for Life Support concession discount you must fulfill the following criteria:
To apply for this concession download or contact us and request the Life Support concession form. Please note the Life Support concession form is separate to the Life Support Registration form. You will still be required to complete the Life Support registration form to verify the use of Life Support equipment at your premises.
Details on returning it to us after it has been completed are included on the form.
The Medical Cooling concession provides a 17.5% discount off electricity costs from 1 November to 30 April for concession cardholders who have a medical condition that affects their body’s ability to self-regulate temperature.
Pre-approved conditions are multiple sclerosis, lymphoedema, Parkinson’s disease, fibromyalgia, Post-polio Syndrome/Poliomyelitis or motor neurone disease. Applications for other conditions must be approved by the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing.
To apply for this concession download or contact us and request the Medical Cooling concession form. Details on returning it to us after it has been completed are included on the form.
Customers receiving the Annual Electricity concession and have annual bills over $4217.85 may be eligible to receive the Excess Electricity concession.
The Excess Electricity concession is 17.5 % concession on electricity consumed above the annual bill limit.
If you exceed the annual bill limit we will send you a form which must be completed and returned to the Department of Family, Fairness and Housing.
The Excess Energy Concession has an annual period of 1 December to 30 November.
If you are receiving the Life Support Concession or the Medical Cooling Concession as well as the Annual Electricity Concession, you are not required to apply for the Excess Electricity concession as you will automatically receive the concession should your electricity consumption reach the trigger level(s).
Customers receiving the Winter Gas concession and have annual bills over $2,499.14(GST inclusive) may be eligible to receive the Excess Gas concession
The 17.5% concession on gas consumed above the annual bill limit.
If you exceed the annual bill limit we will send you a form which must be completed and returned to the Department of Family, Fairness and Housing.
The Excess Gas concession is available from 1 May to 31 October each year.
If you are receiving the Life Support Concession or the Medical Cooling Concession as well as the Annual Gas Concession, you are not required to apply for the Excess Gas concession as you will automatically receive the concession should your gas consumption reach the trigger level(s).
The Utility Relief Grant Scheme is designed to help eligible low-income Victorian customers pay overdue electricity or gas bills when experiencing unexpected hardship.
To be eligible, you must show that you have no way of paying the account without assistance, and meet one of the following criteria:
The Department of Families, Fairness and Housing website has more information about this grant.
If you would like to apply for this grant, please contact us on 1300 115 866.
Not everyone is eligible for government assistance but sometimes you may need a little extra help. Non-government and or community assistance can be available through local community service providers such as a community welfare organisations or financial counsellors.
To locate a help centre near you, please visit CISVic or the National Debt Helpline.
Some not for profit organisations you can contact to obtain more information on other assistance available to you are Anglicare, Salvation Army, Australian Red Cross, St Vincent De Paul Society.