Victoria - Electricity Safety


Planning on building a new home or renovating and require electrical works to be done, you must use a registered electrical contractor.

Energy Safe Victoria (ESV) is responsible for licensing and registering all electricians. Only licensed and registered electricians can undertake electrical work in Victoria. To find a licenced electrician click here:

A Certificate of Electrical Safety (COES) must be provided for electrical installation works. To find out more about Certificate of Electrical Safety click here:

The Victorian Service and Installation Rules apply to all connections to the electricity supply networks operated by Electricity Distributors (Ausnet Services, CitiPower, Jemena, Powercor, United Energy). You can access the Victorian Service and Installation Rules here:

Power outages and electricity emergencies:

You can find your electricity distributor faults and emergency number on your bill. Electricity distributors in Victoria are:

  • Jemena 131 626
  • United 132 099
  • CitiPower 131 280
  • Powercor 132 412
  • AusNet Services 131 799

If you’re unsure who your electricity distributor is, visit the Australian Energy Regulator website to find out:

Victoria - Gas Safety


Gas distributors are responsible for repairing gas leaks occurring at your gas meter or gas pipes from the street to your gas meter. You are responsible for maintaining gas appliance and gas pipes throughout your home or business.

The regulator for gas safety in Victoria is Energy Safe Victoria. If you have any queries in relation to gas safety at your home or business, please click here:

To confirm if your gas contractor is licenced, call Energy Safe Victoria on 1800 815 721.

Gas emergencies:

Gas leaks should not be ignored. A gas leak can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning and fires. If you smell a gas leak, take action quickly - turn off your gas appliances if safe to do so and call your gas distributors emergency number immediately.

You can find your gas distributors emergency number on your bill. Gas distributors in Victoria are:

  • Multinet Gas 132 691
  • Australian Gas Networks 1800 427 532
  • AusNet Services 136 707

In case of a major gas leak or if you feel your life or property is at risk, call 000 immediately. Before you start any excavation, irrespective of size, contact ‘Dial before you dig’ on 1100 or via

If you’re unsure of who your gas distributor is, visit the Australian Energy Regulator website to find out:

South Australia - Electricity Safety


Planning on building a new home or renovating and require electrical works to be done, you must use a registered electrical contractor.

To find a licenced electrician click here:

A Certificate of Compliance must be provided for all electrical installation works. To find out more about the Certificate of Electrical Safety, click here:

The South Australian Service and Installation Rules apply to all connections to the electricity supply networks operated by SAPowerNetworks and all electricity installations connected to the electricity network must meet these standards. You can access the South Australian Service and Installation Rules here:

Power outages and electricity emergencies:

You can find your electricity distributor faults and emergency number on your bill.

In South Australia, the electricity distributor is SAPowerNetworks, call 131 366

South Australia - Gas Safety


Australian Gas Networks is responsible for repairing gas leaks that occur on your gas meter or the gas pipes from your street to the gas meter. You are responsible for maintaining gas appliances and gas pipes throughout your home or business to the gas meter. If you have any queries in relation to gas safety in the home, please click here:

Click here to confirm that your gas contractor is licenced

Gas emergencies:

Gas leaks should not be ignored. A gas leak can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning and fires. If you smell a gas leak, take action quickly - turn off your gas appliances if safe to do so and call your gas distributors emergency number immediately.

You can find your gas distributor emergency number on your bill. In South Australian, the gas distributor is Australian Gas Networks, call 1800 427 532.

In case of a major gas leak or if you feel your life or property is at risk, call 000 immediately. Before you start any excavation, irrespective of size, contact ‘Before You Dig Australia’ on 1100 or via

South Australia - Gas Safety Brochure

Safety information about gas supply to your property can be found in our South Australian Gas Safety Awareness Brochure.

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