Information about Concessions and the Federal Energy Bill Relief Fund can be found here.

Smart meters in South Australia

In December 2017, new metering rules came into effect in South Australia. Electricity distributors were no longer responsible for maintaining meters and energy retailers took over. This means if you need a meter installed or have to replace your old one, Lumo can take care of you - call us on 1800 931 689 to get started.

If you already have a smart meter, our partnered metering service providers will be responsible for its testing, maintenance and security.

Basic meters vs Smart meters

Basic meters are usually manually read every three months.

Smart meters automatically track your energy usage is recorded at short time intervals (5 minutes, 15 minutes or 30 minutes) depending on your meter configuration and will send your read to Lumo, if you have the communications turned on.

Some of the benefits of smart meters are:

No more estimates

In the past, if a meter reader was unable to access your electricity meter (maybe because of a locked gate or dog) your electricity reads were estimated. Having a smart meter puts a stop to this, because your smart meter records your usage and sends it through automatically.

Choose to receive your bill monthly

With a smart meter, you no longer have to wait months for a meter reading. A smart meter gives you the option of monthly billing. This can be a great way to budget and manage your finances. To go onto monthly billing please contact us or call us on 1300 115 866.

When you have to get a smart meter

In South Australia, if your basic meter needs replacing or you need a new meter installed, it will automatically change to a smart meter. We will let you know when your meter is too old and/or needs replacing.

You’re in safe hands

We’re working with smart meter experts to help us organise the removal of your old meter and the installation of your new smart meter. We have been working closely with our partners to make sure you get the same level of service from them as you do from anyone at Lumo.

At no time will any of our technicians ask you for any sort of direct payment, payment details or your identification.

Talk to us about Smart Meters

Have a question about Smart Meters South Australia, then contact us

Remote connectivity

In South Australia, the technology in your meter that allows for reads to be sent to your energy company can be turned off. Keep in mind, doing this would mean a technician will have to read your meter manually. The cost of the technician visiting your property will be added as an extra charge on your electricity account.